[Clipart 034] Deepwork

[Clipart 034] Deepwork


Dick peered down from his glasses at the expense report on his desk.The pages were marked with line after line of arcane symbols and runes, but Dick could read through them like they were a children’s book about dogs running or everyone pooping. He made a couple of quick marks in the margin, gave it his stamp of approval, and moved the report to the pile containing his last 7 hours of work. He snatched up another report and let out a sigh, thankful that he only had to finalize a couple dozen more of these damned things before he was off the clock.

“Hey, Dick! Workin’ hard or hardly workin’?” Terry, Dick’s supervisor, said from the doorway to the office. He raised his coffee mug to his smug grin and loudly slurped. Read more